OIM 11g R2 PS3 Database schema Model
Thank you,
TABLE_NAME | Component | Table level COMMENTS in DB |
AUD | Audit | Define the Auditors. |
AUD_JMS | Audit | Transactional table storing intermediate audit information. |
AUDIT_EVENT | Lightweight Audit | Stores Audit Events. |
AUDIT_EVENT_GROUP | Lightweight Audit | Stores metadata for Audit Event Groups. |
AUDIT_EVENT_ENT_TYPE_ACTN | Lightweight Audit | Stores metadata for entity type and its corresponding audit action. |
AUDIT_EVENT_GRP_ENT_TYPE_ACTN | Lightweight Audit | Stores the relationship between Audit Event Groups and Entity Type Audit actions. |
GPA | Audit | Stores Group Profile audit snapshots and deltas. |
UPA | Audit | Stores User Profile audit snapshots and deltas. |
UPA_FIELDS | Audit | Stores changes only for user profile audit history in denomalized format. |
UPA_GRP_MEMBERSHIP | Audit | Stores groups membership history in denomalized format. |
UPA_RESOURCE | Audit | Stores user profile resource history in denomalized format. |
UPA_UD_FORMFIELDS | Audit | This table would hold the history of changes to the process form data. |
UPA_UD_FORMS | Audit | This table would hold the summary of changes to the process form data. |
UPA_USR | Audit | Stores user profile history in denomalized format. |
ARM_AUD | Audit | |
ADMIN_ROLE | Authorization | OOTB Admin Roles. |
ADMIN_ROLE_MEMBERSHIP | Authorization | Admin-role to user membership in an organization scope. |
ENTITY_PUBLICATION | Authorization | Entity publication to organization. |
ROLE_PUBLICATION_VW | Authorization | View to give additional Role specific details (like role-name etc) for published Role. |
APP_INST_PUBLICATION_VW | Authorization | View to give additional App-instance specific details (like app-instance name etc) for published App-Instance. |
ENTITLEMENT_PUBLICATION_VW | Authorization | View to give additional Entitlements specific details (like entitlement name etc) for published Entitlements. |
ADMIN_ROLE_MEMBERSHIP_VW | Authorization | View to give additional organization specific details (like parent org-id) for published admin role membership. |
USER_ARM_ROLES_VW | Authorization | |
ADMIN_ROLE_CAPABILITY | Authorization | It stores the mapping
between the Admin_Role to Capability tables |
ADMIN_ROLE_RULE_SCOPES | Authorization | Stores the scope ids over which dynamic admin role
membership will be granted when the rule for an admin role will get evaluated. It also stores with/without hierarchy flag for each scope. |
CAPABILITY | Authorization | It stores the capabilities
for every action governed by the authorization policies |
CATALOG | Catalog | Unified collection of catalog items.It will store
the items of all the entities that will like to make themselves as
Catalogable. At present we have Role, Entitlement and Application Instance as the catalogable entities. |
CATALOG_METADATA_DEFINITION | Catalog | Collection of additional metadata defined on Catalog items. |
CATALOG_HIERARCHICAL_ATTR | Catalog | Stores hierarchical attributes or technical glossary for catalog items. |
CPA_CATALOG | Catalog | Audit table for catalog item. |
CPA_CATALOG_FIELDS | Catalog | Audit table for catalog item, this will contains attribute changes. |
EIF | Common Services | Export Import Files. Each row contains one single file used in export/import operation. For export there is only one file. |
EIH | Common Services | Export Import History. Each row represents one Data Deployment Management session. |
EIL | Common Services | DB Based lock for export operation. Used to make sure only one user can import at a time. This is currently not managed through dataobjects. |
EIO | Common Services | Export Import Objects. Each row represents one object exported/imported. |
EIS | Common Services | Substitutions used during import process. |
EMD | Common Services | Core -- Email Definition Information Table That Holds The Email Template Definitions. |
JOB_HISTORY | Common Services | Historical Data for each Job Run. |
LOCALTEMPLATE | Common Services | Table for Locale specific details for Notification Templates. |
NOTIFICATIONLOG | Common Services | Logging specific to Notifications. |
NOTIFICATIONTEMPLATE | Common Services | Table for Notification Templates. |
PTY | Common Services | Client Properties Table. |
QRTZ92_BLOB_TRIGGERS | Common Services | Quartz table to store Blob Triggers. |
QRTZ92_CALENDARS | Common Services | Quartz table to store Calendars. |
QRTZ92_CRON_TRIGGERS | Common Services | Quartz table to store Cron Triggers. |
QRTZ92_FIRED_TRIGGERS | Common Services | Quartz table to store Fired Triggers. |
QRTZ92_JOB_DETAILS | Common Services | Quartz table to store Job Details. |
QRTZ92_JOB_LISTENERS | Common Services | Quartz table to store Job Listeners. |
QRTZ92_LOCKS | Common Services | Quartz table to store Locks. |
QRTZ92_PAUSED_TRIGGER_GRPS | Common Services | Quartz table to store Paused Trigger Groups. |
QRTZ92_SCHEDULER_STATE | Common Services | Quartz table to store Scheduler State. |
QRTZ92_SIMPLE_TRIGGERS | Common Services | Quartz table to store Simple Triggers. |
QRTZ92_TRIGGERS | Common Services | Quartz table to store Triggers. |
QRTZ92_TRIGGER_LISTENERS | Common Services | Quartz table to store Triggers Listeners. |
AAD | ID Admin | List To Define The Administrators For Each Organization And Their Delegated Admin Privileges. |
AAP | ID Admin | Table for storing Resource - Organization level parameter Values. |
ACP | ID Admin/Provisioning | Acp - Link Table That Holds Reference To Act And
Pkg Tables, Table That Defines The Objects (Resources) Allowed For A Particular Organization. |
ACT | ID Admin | Defines information about all organizations created in OIM through Xellerate. |
GPG | ID Admin | List to define the (nested)group members of User Group in the 'User Group' form. |
MLS_LOCALE | ID Admin | List of languages used for MLS [Multi Lingual Support] (for role) and MR [Multi Representation] (for user) representation of display names. |
MLS_UGP | ID Admin | Stores entries of MLS display names of roles. |
MLS_USR | ID Admin | Stores entries of MR display names of users. |
MV_USER_COLS | ID Admin/Recon | This table stores the data from USER_TAB_COLUMNS to reduce the data dict. recursive calls for improved performance. |
ORG_HIERARCHY | ID Admin | Holds information about the complete organization Hierarchy. |
ORG_USER_MEMBERSHIPS | ID Admin | Stores the User-Org membership details. |
PCQ | ID Admin | Holds the challenging questions and answers for a user. |
POG | ID Admin | Join table between Policy and User Groups, Specifies the groups to whom an access policy will apply. |
PWH | ID Admin | These 2 tables are not
IDAMDIN specific( PWR/PWH) . Same tables are used for password policy info
when they are linked to the resource objects. Purpose-Used to maintain password history. |
PWR | ID Admin | These 2 tables are not IDAMDIN specific( PWR/PWH) .
Same tables are used for password policy info when they are linked to the
resource objects. Purpose-Used to store Password Rule Policies |
RPW | ID Admin | Rules To Apply To A Password Policy, Defines The Policy Determination Rules Attached To A Password Policy. |
PXD | ID Admin | Table that holds the list of all Proxies Defined. |
RGP | ID Admin | Rules To Apply To A User
Group, Defines The Auto-group Membership Rules Attached To A Particular Group. |
ROLE_CATEGORY | ID Admin | The table is used to store role categories. A
category is similar to a folder that can be used to organize roles displayed
in the console. Role categories simplify the administrators browse
experience, allowing for easy navigation to roles of interest. |
UGP | ID Admin | Defines a group of users. |
UHD | ID Admin | User Policy Profile History Details table. |
UPD | ID Admin | User Policy Profile Details table. |
UPH | ID Admin | User Policy Profile History table. |
UPP | ID Admin | User Policy Profile table. |
USG | ID Admin | This table stores which users are in which groups. |
USR | ID Admin | Stores all information regarding a user. |
USR_ATTRIBUTE_RESERVATIONS | ID Admin | To store User Attributes with their reserved values. |
USR_CONFIG_HISTORY | ID Admin | This table stores the audit data for all the modifications done to User.xml are audited here. |
UWP | ID Admin | Window sequence, nesting in CarrierBase explorer for each user group. |
OIM_TMP_MLS_TABLE | ID Admin | Oracle Global Temporary Table for intermediate processing of User entries of MLS data. |
DYN_EVAL_CHANGELOG | ID Admin | Contains the changelog data for dynamic evaluation since last job run. |
LATEST_PLUGINS | Platform | Stores latest version information for plugins. |
OIMHOME_JARS | Platform | Stores the jars that are uploaded using upload or update jar utility. These jars are primarily used by adapters. |
ORCHPROCESS | Platform | Stores the process instances that are being executed. |
PLUGINS | Platform | Stores plugins that are uploaded using register plugin utility. |
PLUGIN_METADATA | Platform | Stores Metadata associated with plugins. |
PLUGIN_ZIP | Platform | Stores plugin in zips as serialized blobs. |
RESOURCES | Platform | Stores custom resource bundle information that are uploaded using upload or update resource bundle utilities. |
FAILED_TASKS | Platform | Stores information related to failed JMS messages. |
ORCHEVENTS_TMP | Platform | Available only in an an envoronment upgraded to R2PS3 (not OOTB) |
ORCHFAILEDEVENTS_TMP | Platform | Available only in an an envoronment upgraded to R2PS3 (not OOTB) |
ORCH_BENEFICIARIES_TMP | Platform | Available only in an an envoronment upgraded to R2PS3 (not OOTB) |
ADL | Provisioning | Contains the all of the necessary parameters for an adapter task of type IF, ELSE IF, FOR, WHILE, SET, and VARIABLE tasks. These type of tasks are known as LOGIC TASKS. |
ADM | Provisioning | Data mapping between parameters input/output parameters and source/sink. |
ADP | Provisioning | Defines an adapter created through the Adapter Factory. |
ADS | Provisioning | Database, schema and procedure name selections which define a stored procedure adapter task. |
ADT | Provisioning | Defines a task attached to an adapter. |
ADU | Provisioning | Contains the web service and method chosen for a task of the Adapter Factory. |
ADV | Provisioning | Adapter variable table contains variables that have been created for specific adapters. |
APP_INSTANCE | Provisioning | Application Instance definition information. |
ARS | Provisioning | Contains custom response codes for 'Process Task' Adapters only. |
ATP | Provisioning | Defines input and output parameters for the constructor and method of an adapter task of type JAVA, UTILITY, TAME, REMOTE, and XLAPI. |
DAV | Provisioning | Stores the runtime data mappings for 'Entity' & 'Rule Generator' adapters. The data source being an Xellerate form or child table, or a user defined process form. |
DEP | Provisioning | Dependencies Among Tasks Within A Workflow Process. |
DOB | Provisioning | Data Resource definition consisting of the fully qualified class name of the data object. |
DVT | Provisioning | Defines the one to many relationship between Data Resources and Event Handlers (this includes adapters). |
ENT_ASSIGN | Provisioning | Stores Entitlement Assignments. |
ENT_ASSIGN_DELTA | Provisioning | Intermediate table to store changes to Entitlement Assignments. |
ENT_ASSIGN_HIST | Provisioning | Stores Historical Entitlement Assignment information. |
ENT_LIST | Provisioning | Provisioning level Entitlement catalog. |
ESD | Provisioning | Encrypted columns not within the bounds of the SDK. |
EVT | Provisioning | Defines event handlers by providing a the process and class name. In addition the scheduling time of when the event handler can execute is set to pre (insert, update, delete) or post (insert, update, delete). |
FUG | Provisioning | List to define the administrators for each user defined object in the 'Structure Utility' form or for each user defined field in the 'User Defined Field Definition' form. |
MAV | Provisioning | Stores the runtime data mappings for 'Process Task' adapters. The data source being a process form, Location, User, Organization, Process, IT Resource, or Literal data. |
MEV | Provisioning | E-mail notification events. |
MIL | Provisioning | Holds information about tasks of a process. |
MSG | Provisioning | Defines the user groups that have permission to set the status of a process task. |
MST | Provisioning | Task Status And Object Status Information. Holds All The Task Status To Object Status Mappings. |
OBJ | Provisioning | Resource Object definition information. |
OPS | Provisioning | |
ORC | Provisioning | This Entity Holds The Detail On Each Order. This
Could Be Considered The Items Section Of An Invoice. This Entity Is The Instance Of A Particular Process. |
ORD | Provisioning | Holds information that is necessary to complete an order regardless of a process being ordered. |
ORF | Recon/Provisioning | Resource Reconciliation Fields. |
OSH | Provisioning | Task Instance Assignment History. |
OSI | Provisioning | Holds information about tasks that are created for an order. |
OTI | Provisioning | Holds specific information such as status or scheduled dates about an instance of a task which are in Pending(Provisioning/Approval tasks ) and Rejected (Provisioning tasks) status buckets. |
OUD | Provisioning | Object Instance Request Target User Dependency
Information. Holds The Dependency Between Different Resource Instances Provisioned To A User. |
OUG | Provisioning | List to define the administrators for each Resource Resource. |
PKG | Provisioning | Consists of names and system keys of service
processs, which consist of a group of services from the TOS table. Defines a Process in Xellerate. |
PKH | Provisioning | Package Hierarchy Table Holds The Parent-child Relationships Between Processes. |
POC | Provisioning | Stores values for the child tables of the Object/Process form of a resource being provisioned by an access policy. |
POL | Provisioning | Policy Table Holds A Policy, Defines An Access Policy In The System. |
POP | Provisioning | Policy Package Join Table
Holds The Packages That A Particular Policy Orders For User, Defines Which Resources Will Be Provisioned Or Denied For A Particular Access Policy. |
PRF | Recon/Provisioning | Process Reconciliation Field Mappings. |
PUG | Provisioning | List To Define The Administrators And Their Delegated Admin Rights For Each Process. |
RAV | Provisioning | Stores the runtime data mappings for 'Pre-populater' adapters. The data source being an Xellerate form or child table, or a user defined form. |
RES | Provisioning | This table is used to stored adapter resources entered by the user. |
RGM | Provisioning | Table for Response Code Generated Milestones. |
RGS | Provisioning | Defines all known registries. These are used by Web Service tasks in an Adapter to communicate with a web service. |
RLO | Provisioning | This table contains directory URLs which are referenced by Adapter Factory jar/class files. |
RML | Provisioning | Rules To Apply To Task, Defines The Task Assignment Rules Attached To A Process Task. |
ROP | Provisioning | Rules To Apply To An Object-process Pair, Defines The Process Determination Rules Attached To A Resource Object. |
RPW | Provisioning | Rules To Apply To A Password Policy, Defines The Policy Determination Rules Attached To A Password Policy. |
RSC | Provisioning | Defines The All The Possible Response Code For A Process Task. |
RUE | Provisioning | Defines The Elements In A Rule Definition. |
RUL | Provisioning | RULE DEFINITIONS. |
RVM | Provisioning | Holds Recovery Milestones. |
SCH | Provisioning | Holds specific information about an instance of a ask such as its status or scheduled dates. |
SDC | Provisioning | Column metadata. |
SDH | Provisioning | Meta-Table Hierarchy. |
SDK | Provisioning | User define data object meta data definition. |
SDL | Provisioning | SDK VERSION LABELS. |
SDP | Provisioning | User defined column properties. |
SEL | Provisioning | Data Object Permissions For Groups On A Specified Dataobject. |
SPD | Provisioning | IT Resource parameter definition |
SRE | Provisioning | Defines Which Pre-populate Rule Generator Will Run For A Field Of User Defined Data Object. |
SRS | Provisioning | IT Resource - IT Resource join. |
STA | Provisioning | Status Codes |
SVD | Provisioning | IT Resource type definition. |
SVP | Provisioning | IT Resource property definition. |
SVR | Provisioning | It Resource Instance Definition. |
TOS | Provisioning | Holds information about a process. |
UNM | Provisioning | "UnDo Milestone" Feature. |
USER_PROVISIONING_ATTRS | Provisioning | Transactional table that stores Access Policy related provisioning information for Users. |
ORF | Recon/Provisioning | Resource Reconciliation Fields. |
PRF | Recon/Provisioning | Process Reconciliation Field Mappings. |
RA_LDAPROLE | Recon | To store ldap role reconciliation data. |
RA_LDAPROLEHIERARCHY | Recon | To store ldap hierarchy reconciliation data . |
RA_LDAPROLEMEMBERSHIP | Recon | To store ldap role membership reconciliation data. |
RA_LDAPUSER | Recon | To store ldap user reconciliation data. |
RA_MLS_LDAPROLE | Recon | To store MLS ldap role reconciliation data. |
RA_MLS_LDAPUSER | Recon | To store MLS ldap user reconciliation data. |
RA_XELLERATE_ORG | Recon | Recon Staging table for resource object Xellerate Organization. |
RECON_ACCOUNT_MATCH | Recon | Reconciliation Event Processes Matched. |
RECON_ACCOUNT_OLDSTATE | Recon | Intemediate Table for storing account specific audit data. |
RECON_BATCHES | Recon | Reconciliation Batches. |
RECON_CHILD_MATCH | Recon | Reconciliation Event Processes Child Table Matches. |
RECON_EVENTS | Recon | Reconciliation Events. |
RECON_EVENT_ASSIGNMENT | Recon | Reconciliation Event Assignments. |
RECON_EXCEPTIONS | Recon | Exceptions found in Target data during Reconciliation. |
RECON_HISTORY | Recon | Reconciliation Event Action History. |
RECON_JOBS | Recon | Reconciliation Jobs. |
RECON_ORG_MATCH | Recon | Reconciliation Event Organizations Matched. |
RECON_ROLE_HIERARCHY_MATCH | Recon | Reconciliation Event Role Hierarchy Matched. |
RECON_ROLE_MATCH | Recon | Reconciliation Event Role Matched. |
RECON_ROLE_MEMBER_MATCH | Recon | Reconciliation Event Role Member Matched. |
RECON_TABLES | Recon | Reconciliation Table Names. |
RECON_UGP_OLDSTATE | Recon | Intemediate Table for storing role specific audit data. |
RECON_USER_MATCH | Recon | Reconciliation Event Users Matched. |
RECON_USER_OLDSTATE | Recon | Intemediate Table for storing User specific audit data. |
OIM_TMP_RECON_MLS_TABLE | Recon | Oracle Global Temporary Table used in intermediate processing of CHANGELOG event entries of MLS data for Recon Horizontal Tables. |
REQUEST | Request | To Store Request summary information. |
REQUEST_APPROVALS | Request | To store Request Approval instances in a request and their status. |
REQUEST_APPROVAL_POLICIES | Request | Stores approval policy details like policy name,
associated approval process, rules etc . Each approval policy is uniquely
identified by APPROVAL_POLICY_KEY value, and is generated by sequence object
APPROVAL_POLICY_SEQ. Approval Rule is nested and defined in XML format. |
REQUEST_BENEFICIARY | Request | Stores the ids of benificiaries for agiven request |
REQUEST_BENEFICIARY_ENTITIES | Request | Stores the entities that are part of a beneficiary in a Request. |
REQUEST_BENEFICIARY_ENTITYDATA | Request | Stores the entity data for the entities pertaining to a Beneficiary. |
REQUEST_COMMENTS | Request | This table is deprecated and is no longer used. |
REQUEST_ENTITIES | Request | Stores the entities that are requested in a Request. |
REQUEST_ENTITY_ATTR_VALUES | Request | This table stores values of multi-valued Request entity attributes. Binary values are stored in column REAV_VALUE_BLOB. |
REQUEST_ENTITY_DATA | Request | Stores the entity data for the entities that are requested. |
REQUEST_HISTORY | Request | To store Request History information. |
REQUEST_PROFILES | Request | To store Request Profile summary information. |
REQUEST_PROFILE_ENTITIES | Request | To store entities associated with a Request Profile. |
REQUEST_PROFILE_ENTITY_DATA | Request | To Store data associated with Request Profile entities. |
REQUEST_STAGES | Request | To store possible stages in a Request. |
REQUEST_TEMPLATE | Request | This table is deprecated
and is no longer used. Used to store Request Template related information. |
REQUEST_TEMPLATE_ATTRIBUTES | Request | Stores additional attributes associated with Request. |
WF_DEFINITION | Request | To Store SOA composite registration information. |
WF_INSTANCE | Request | To store the SOA composite instances. |
ROLESOD_CONFLICTS | SOD | To store Role SOD Conflicts. |
SIL_ASYNCH_INFO | SOD | Table contains Entry for each Asynchronous SODCheck. |
SIL_PARAMETERS | SOD | IT Resource Instance names for each SIL System. |
SIL_SCO_STY_JOIN | SOD | Service component implementation for every System Type. |
SIL_SERVICE_COMP | SOD | Lists the various Service Components for completing and SoDCheck. |
SIL_SYSTEM | SOD | Stores the SIL systems supported and required connection parameters. |
SIL_SYSTEM_TYPE | SOD | Stores all the entries of SIL Systems. |
SIL_TYPES | SOD | Types of all SIL category available. |
SIL_TYPE_CATEGORY | SOD | Categories of SIL Types available. |
WS_SODCHECK | SOD | Stores details of Webservice messages sent for SoD Check like Message ID, Callback URL, Request ID from BPEL workflow. |
ADF_LOOKUPS | UI | View to search in look up tables. |
ADF_LOOKUP_TYPES | UI | View to search in look up tables for the appropriate look up type. |
CERTDS_ENT_ASGN | Certification | Decision and snapshot
table for entitlement assignments in entitlement certifications. |
CERTDS_USER_ROLE_ASGN | Certification | Decision and snapshot table for role memberships. |
CERTD_ACCT_ENT_ASGN | Certification | Link table for certification and accounts entitlements . |
CERTD_APP_INST | Certification | Decision table for application instances. |
CERTD_ENT_DEFN | Certification | Decision table for entitlement definitions. |
CERTD_POL_ENT_DEFN | Certification | Decision table for entitlement definitions in policies. |
CERTD_ROLE | Certification | Decision table for roles. |
CERTD_ROLE_POLICY | Certification | Decision table for Role Policies associations. |
CERTD_USER | Certification | Decision table for users. |
CERTD_USER_ACCT | Certification | Decision table for user accounts. |
CERTS_ACCOUNT | Certification | Snapshot table for user accounts. |
CERTS_ACCT_ENT_ASGN | Certification | Snapshot table for entitlement assignments. |
CERTS_APP_INST | Certification | Snapshot table for application instances. |
CERTS_CATALOG_UDF | Certification | Snapshot table for catalog UDF data. |
CERTS_ENT_DEFN | Certification | Snapshot table for entitlement definitions. |
CERTS_POLICY | Certification | Snapshot table for policies. |
CERTS_POL_ENT_DEFN | Certification | Snapshot table for entitlement definitions in policies. |
CERTS_ROLE | Certification | Snapshot table for roles. |
CERTD_STATS | Certification | Stores completion statistics for certifications. |
CERTS_USER | Certification | Snapshot table for users. |
CERTS_USR_UDF | Certification | Snapshot table for user UDF data. |
CERT_ACTION_HISTORY | Certification | Event details for certification action history. |
CERT_ACTION_HISTORY_SCOPE | Certification | Link table defining scope for certification action history events. |
CERT_CERTS | Certification | Certification Instances table. |
CERT_CONFIG | Certification | Certification configuration table. |
CERT_DEFN | Certification | Certification definition table. |
CERT_EVT_LSNR | Certification | Certification event listener definition table. |
CERT_EVT_TRIG | Certification | List of users requiring certification due to
triggering of event listener rules. |
CERT_LAST_DECISION | Certification | Last certification decision for an item. |
CERT_TASK_ACTION | Certification | Decision table for certification items in a SOA task. |
CERT_TASK_INFO | Certification | Link for a certification instance to a SOA task. |
IDA_POLICY_VIOLATION | ID Audit | Instances of a Policy Violation. |
IDA_POLICY_VIOLATION_CAUSE | ID Audit | Instances of a Policy Violation Cause. |
IDA_REMEDIATOR | ID Audit | Instances of a Policy Violation Remediator. |
IDA_SCAN_DEFN | ID Audit | Table for storing IDA
IDA_SCAN_RUN | ID Audit | Instances of running a scan definition. |
IDA_SCAN_RUN_POLICIES | ID Audit | Table for storing
relationship information between IDA_SCAN_RUN and POLICY. |
IDA_SCAN_RUN_POLICY_VIOLATION | ID Audit | Table for storing relationship information between IDA_SCAN_RUN and IDA_POLICY_VIOLATION. |
IDA_SCAN_RUN_USER | ID Audit | Table for storing
relationship information between IDA_SCAN_RUN and USER. |
IDA_TASK_POLICY_VIOLATION | ID Audit | Table for storing external relationship information between SOA TSK and POLICY VIOLATION. |
POLICY | Policy Engine | The table holds the definitions for the policy engine policies. |
POLICY_RULE_ASSIGNMENT | Policy Engine | The table holds the relations between policies and rules. |
POLICY_TYPE | Policy Engine | The table holds the definitions for the policy engine policy types. |
RETURN_VALUES | Policy Engine | The child table holds return value definitions for the policy engine rules. |
RULE | Policy Engine | The table holds the definitions for the policy engine rules. |
BULKLOAD_BATCH | Bulkload Post Processing | Bulkload Post Processing. |
BULKLOAD_USR | Bulkload Post Processing | Bulkload Post Processing. |
FAILED_CALLBACKS | None | Stores association information between callback destinations. |
CALLBACK_INVOCATION_RESULT | SPML | Table to store results of callbacks invoked by OIM. Used to aggregate status for both synchronous and asyncrhronous invocation. |
CALLBACK_DESTINATIONS | None | Stores the list of failed callback destinations to retry . |
CALLBACK_PAYLOAD | None | Stores the Callback notification data to be re-sent. |
OIM_RECON_CHANGES_BY_RES_MV | Report | Materialized View used in the BI Report- |
UPGRADE_MDS_MERGE | Upgrade | Table to store upgrade LCM data for Authorization. |
OIM_DATAPRG_FAILED_KEYS | OOTB Online Purge Table | Logging table to store the entity keys for each module/entity which were failed during scheduled purge run. |
OIM_DATAPRG_TASKS_LOGDTLS | OOTB Online Purge Table | Logging table to store the details of the OIM Scheduled Task controlled purge runs for the module/entity feature level details. |
OIM_DATAPURGE_TASK_LOG | OOTB Online Purge Table | Logging table to store the details of the OIM Scheduled Task controlled purge runs,for the deletion of Entity data. |
OIM_TMP_TASK_ARCH_TAB | OOTB Task Archival Table | Temporary table used by Provisioning Task Archival utility to stage data during the run. |
ARCH_REQUEST | OOTB Request Archival Table | Archival table for storing archived data from REQUEST table during Request Archival/Purge. |
ARCH_REQUEST_APPROVALS | OOTB Request Archival Table | Archival table for storing archived data from REQUEST_APPROVALS table during Request Archival/Purge. |
ARCH_REQUEST_BE | OOTB Request Archival Table | Archival table for storing archived data from REQUEST_BE table during Request Archival/Purge. |
ARCH_REQUEST_BED | OOTB Request Archival Table | Archival table for storing archived data from REQUEST_BED table during Request Archival/Purge. |
ARCH_REQUEST_BENEFICIARY | OOTB Request Archival Table | Archival table for storing archived data from REQUEST_BENEFICIARY table during Request Archival/Purge. |
ARCH_REQUEST_COMMENTS | OOTB Request Archival Table | Archival table for storing archived data from REQUEST_COMMENTS table during Request Archival/Purge. |
ARCH_REQUEST_ENTITIES | OOTB Request Archival Table | Archival table for storing archived data from REQUEST_ENTITIES table during Request Archival/Purge. |
ARCH_REQUEST_ENTITY_DATA | OOTB Request Archival Table | Archival table for storing archived data from REQUEST_ENTITY_DATA table during Request Archival/Purge. |
ARCH_REQUEST_HISTORY | OOTB Request Archival Table | Archival table for storing archived data from REQUEST_HISTORY table during Request Archival/Purge. |
ARCH_REQUEST_TA | OOTB Request Archival Table | Archival table for storing archived data from REQUEST_TA table during Request Archival/Purge. |
ARCH_ROLESOD_CONFLICTS | OOTB Request Archival Table | Archival table for storing archived data from ROLESOD_CONFLICTS table during Request Archival/Purge. |
ARCH_WF_INSTANCE | OOTB Request Archival Table | Archival table for storing archived data from WF_INSTANCE table during Request Archival/Purge. |
CIH | Connector [OOTB] | Holds connector specific installation history information. It also stores Connector Name, Connector Version, Connector XML, etc. |
COUN_LOG_TAB | Connector [OOTB] | Used by the Connector Uninstall utility for storing temporary data. |
GCD | Connector Framework | GCD (Generic Connector Definition) is used by GTC for storing the information about the connectors that are created using GTC. |
ATS | Deprecated | Stores which services or can be ordered by which organizations and which rates apply. |
TSH | Deprecated | Recording History of Task Execution in Scheduler. |
RIO | Deprecated | Request Organizations Resolved Object Instances. |
RQD | Deprecated | Contains self-registration request data for web admin. |
RQY | Deprecated | Request Organizations Requiring Resolution. |
RQZ | Deprecated | Request Users Requiring Resolution. |
RUG | Deprecated | List to define the administrators for each Request. |
APA | Attestation | To store Attestation process administrators. |
APD | Attestation | To store Attestation process definition. |
APT | Attestation | To store the Attestation tasks. |
ATD | Attestation | To store Entitlement details for each Attestation task . |
ATR | Attestation | To store Attestation requests. |
RAO | Attestation | Resource audit objectives information. |
LKU | Lookup | Lookup definition entries. |
LKV | Lookup | Lookup values. |
WIN | Generic | Windows table: Windows keys, descriptions, and class names. |
XSD | Metadata | This table holds Xellerate System Data. |
UWP | Generic | Window sequence, nesting
in CarrierBase explorer for each user group. |
Thank you,
Arihant Jain
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