Monday, August 17, 2015

PS3 Offline Upgrade Failing During BIP Upgrade

Migrating from OIM 11g R2 PS2 to R2 PS3 and running the Middle Tier Upgrade - Offline mode, the following upgrades failed:



1) Open the config.xml kept at the location $DOMAIN_HOME/config folder.

2) Locate






    Replace  $DOMAIN_NAME$ with BIP Server Name. By Default it is bi_server1.

3) Add the following along with other <jms-server> tags and put your bi server name in <target>.






4)  Run the offline again and complete the upgrade process

Thank you.


Friday, August 7, 2015

Fusion Middleware Home is corrupted (Common Env Script missing or Not executable)!

While running the opatch apply or opatch lsinventory we got below error.

Error :

Fusion Middleware Home is corrupted (Common Env Script missing or Not executable)!
/app/oracle/middleware/Oracle_SOA1/jdk/bin/java is not a valid executable for this platform.
OPatch cannot proceed!

./opatch lsinventory -invPtrLoc ../oraInst.loc
Fusion Middleware Home is corrupted (Common Env Script missing or Not executable)!
/app/oracle/middleware/Oracle_SOA1/jdk/bin/java is not a valid executable for this platform. OPatch cannot proceed!
OPatch returns with error code = 1

Solution :

1. Keep a backup of existing file 
2. Restore from backup valid file
3.Change the file permission of file
4. Execute the opatch commands again to confirm everything works fine.


Friday, July 24, 2015

OIM 11G R2 PS3 Lab 13: How to setup SOD (Segregation of Duties) Policy violation in OIM 11g R2 PS3?

High Level Steps

* Create SOD Rule
* Create SOD Policy 
* Attach SOD rule to SOD Policy

* Login to Identity Console and lock on Compliance Tab

* Click on Identity Audit and select Rules

* Click on Create Rule

* Click on Add Condition and Create

* Rule Created

* Go back to Compliance tab > Identity Audit > Policy

* Click on Create

* Create the Policy and Click on Add to attached the Rule

* Select the Rule

* Policy Created

* Create a User ( In this lab we need 2 fresh user or existing user)

* Click on Submit

* Login with that user

* Change the password and setup up the challenge questions

* Click on Request Access >> Request for Self

* Requests for Conflicted Entitlements and add to Cart

* Click on Next

* Click on Submit button.

* Since smith selected conflicting entitlement,He got Policy Violation Alert

* Request got create

* Request summary from tracking request page

* Login with Another user who is manger of Smith

*  * Change the password and setup up the challenge questions

* Click on Pending Approvals

* Manager will be notified with Policy Violation  Alert while approving the request.


Thursday, July 23, 2015

OIM 11G R2 PS3 Lab 12: How to change the login (Sign in) and user interface logo in OIM 11g R2 PS3?

High Level Steps

* Take the backup of oracle.iam.ui.view.war file
* Extract , Please the new logo and pack it
* Create a sandbox and add logo name in expression
* Publish a sandbox , restart Admin and OIM server
* Validate the new logo in login (Sign in)  and user interface 

* Go to /app/oracle/middleware/Oracle_IDM1/server/apps folder and take the backup        of oracle.iam.ui.view.war file

Command : cp oracle.iam.ui.view.war oracle.iam.ui.view.war_backup

* I copied that war file on Desktop

* Extract that war

* After extract it will create a folder

* In that extracted folder there will be image folder

* Copy your new logo in that folder (I have a new logo on Desktop)

* Copy new logo into  image folder and note down  extract name od new logo - Newlogo.png

* After copying image, select all folder and create a Archive

* Archive name should be oracle.iam.ui.view, type should be war then click on Create

* New war file create with new logo

*  Copy new war file

* Paste in /app/oracle/middleware/Oracle_IDM1/server/apps folder

* Click on replace button to update the latest war file

* Login to Identity Console and click on Sandbox

* Click on Create Sandbox

* Give Sandbox name, Select Active sandbox and click on Save and close button

* Make sure sandbox is Active. Click on Customize

* Click on Structure

* Click on Logo and in popup box click on edit

* Logo section panel selected, Click on edit

* In Icon click on down arrow and select Expression Builder

* Default expression

* Replace with new expression

Expression -http://arihant:14000/identity/images/Newlogo.png

Newlogo.png -  This is our new logo name

* Click on Test and check the return message

*  Click on OK

* Click on Apply then OK

* Click on Close

* Select the active sandbox and publish sandbox

* Click on Yes

* In order to make the new logo visible on login (Sign in)  and user interface we need to restart Admin and OIM server (as we make the changes in war file) .

* Restart Admin and OIM Servers


* After Admin and OIM restart access Identity Sign page and validate the new logo

* Login with xelsysadm or any user and check the new logo on user interface

Thank you.