Tuesday, June 23, 2015

OIM 11G R2 PS3 Lab 10: How to hide Application Instance, Entitlement and Role from Catalog in OIM PS3 ?

High Level Steps

* First Identify what are Application Instance, Entitlement and Role require to hide.
* Login to Identity console and get the Entity Display name. (We can check that from database also in catalog table)
* Run the update query 
* Check the Catalog.

In this Lab I am Hiding below Application Instance, Role and Entitlement from catalog.

 Application Instance

* Login to Identity Console and Request Access in that select Request for self

* Select Application, search with Application Name and Click on (i) symbol to get the Display name

* Copy the Display name in Notepad


* Select type as Entitlement, search with Entitlement Name and Click on (i) symbol to get the Display name

* Copy the Display name in Notepad


* Select type as Role, search with Role Name and Click on (i) symbol to get the Display name

* Copy the Display name in Notepad

* Run  the below SQL in Database for hiding Application Instance, Entitlement and Role from catalog.

update catalog set IS_REQUESTABLE = 0 where ENTITY_DISPLAY_NAME in ('ActiveDirectory','CN=Account Operators,CN=Builtin,DC=ad,DC=com','Test_Role');

Note ENTITY_DISPLAY_NAME  is Display name which we copied above.

IS_REQUESTABLE = 1 ( Show in catalog) 
IS_REQUESTABLE = 0  ( Hide in Catalog)

* After running the SQL Application Instance is hide from Catalog.

* After running the SQL Entitlement is hide from Catalog.

After running the SQL Role is hide from Catalog.

If you want to get back all those hide Application Instance, Entitlement and Role run the below SQL.

update catalog set IS_REQUESTABLE = 1 where ENTITY_DISPLAY_NAME in ('ActiveDirectory','CN=Account Operators,CN=Builtin,DC=ad,DC=com','Test_Role');


Thank you.
Arihant Baid

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

OIM 11G R2 PS3 Lab 9: How to create a custom UDF in OIM 11g PS3 (

High Level Steps

* Create a sandbox in sysadmin console
* Add a custom UDF in User (Sysadmin console) and publish the sandbox
* Create a sandbox in Identity console
* Add the UDF in Create,View and modify form and publish the sandbox

Create User   >>   Data Catalog   >>   UserVO  >> ADF Input Text      w\Label
View User      >>  Manage Users  >>   UserV01 >> ADF Output Text   w\Label
Modify User  >>  Data Catalog    >>   UserVO  >> ADF Input Text      w\Label

* login to sysadmin console

* Click on Sandbox

* Click on Create Sandbox, Give sandbox name and click on Save and close

* Click on User tab (Sysadmin Console)

* Click on Create

* Select Field Type as per requirement. In this lab I am selecting Text.

* Give Display name, Name field will populate automatically, Select searchable checkbox

 * Click on Save and close

* Select the sandbox and click on Publish sandbox

* Click on Yes

* Login to Identity console and click on Sandbox

* Click on Create Sandbox

* Give Sandbox name, select Activate Sandbox check box and click on Save and Close

* Go to Manage Tab and click on Users tab

Steps to add UDF on Create User form

*  Click on Create user

* Fill the mandatory fields on create user form and click on Customize

* Click on Structure , Select the Panel and click on ADD button +

*  Select Data Component - Catalog and click on Open

 * Select userVO and click on Open

* Select newly created custom field with ADF Input Text W/ Label

* Check the field on user form and click on Close

Steps to add UDF on View form

* Select any user

* Customize >> Structure >> Select the panel >>Click on Add button +

* Select Data Component - Manage Users >> Open

* Select UserV01 and click on Open button

* Select newly created custom field with ADF output Text W/ Label

* Check the field on user form and click on Close

Steps to add UDF on Modify User form

* Click on Modify tab of any user

*  Customize >> Structure >> Select the panel >>Click on Add button +

* Select Data Component - Catalog and click on Open

* Select userVO and click on Open button

 * Select newly created custom field with ADF Input Text W/ Label

* Check the field on user form and click on Close

* Select the sandbox and click on Publish Sandbox.

Thank you.
Arihant Baid

Monday, June 8, 2015

OIM 11G R2 PS3 Lab 8: How to set the Organization for self registration users in OIM 11g PS3 (

New Features in OIM 11g R2 PS2 :

Self Registration Use Case Using Default Rule

* A simple rule created with a single IF condition and without using any operator like AND/OR      

Ex- IF user.Nickname Starts with "Testuser" THEN organization equals "Oracle"

Self Registration Use Case Using Simple Rule

*A complex rule is a rule created with more than one IF condition and uses AND/OR operators to form the rule.

Ex-  IF user.Nickname Starts with "Test" AND user.Display Name Ends with "User" THEN organization equals "Oracle"

Rule Evaluation Order

* When a user self registers, the first rule that is evaluated is the top rule on the list that appears on      the home organization page, followed by the next rule up to the last rule. Evaluation stops as soon as a match is found

Note : when an end user submits a self registration request, and if no other rule is defined or satisfied,            default rule is evaluated. And the home organization is set to Xellerate Users.

How to set the organization for self registration other then Xellerate Users ?

* Login to Identity console > Click on Manage tab > Organization

* Click on Create

*  Give organization name as per you requirement and click on save button

* Login to sysadmin console >> Home Organization Policy >> Select default policy >> Open

* By default organization set to Xellerate Users

*  Update with new organization name which you created above and click on update

* Open Identity console >> Click on New User Registeration

* Update all mandatory fields for self registration and click on register

* After registration it will create a Request number for tracking purpose

* Login to Identity console with xelsysadm user

*  Click on Pending approvals

* Select the request >> actions > Approve

* Click on Manage tab >> Users

* Check the self-registered user and organization ( We changed the organization from Xellerate Users    to Test Org)

* Check the Organization in User profile

Thank you,
Arihant Baid