Thursday, July 9, 2015

OIM 11G R2 PS3 Lab 11: Three ways to export OIM Metadata (MDS)

We can export complete OIM MDS in 3 different ways.

1) MDS Export  from Weblogic EM Console

2) MDS Export  from script

3) MDS Export  from


1) MDS Export  from Weblogic EM Console

* Login to Weblogic EM console > Expand Identity and Access > OIM > oim

* Expand  Application Defined Mbean > oracle.mds.lcm > server :oim_server1

* Expand Application : OIMAPPMetadata > MDSAppRuntime > MDSAppRuntime  on right hand      side click on Operations tab >> Click on exportMetadata

* In to Location give path where you want to export (No need to create directory manually, It will automatically create the directory) > Click on docs

* Click on Add

* In this lab we are exporting complete MDS that we enter /**. If you want to export any specific file you can do that. Ex -/file/User.xml ( For export User.xml)

* After setting the to location and docs, click on Invoke

* Check the status after clicking Invoke. It should be operation executed successfully.

* Check the export in to location.

2) MDS Export  from script

 * Go to /app/oracle/middleware/oracle_common/common/bin/ location and run conmand
     Enter the below Parameters manually.

  •  connect()
  •  Weblogic 
  •  Weblogic user password
  • t3://localhost:7001 (Server URL with admin port)
  • exportMetadata(application='OIMMetadata', server='oim_server1', toLocation='/tmp/mds1') (If you want to export the MDS in specific location you can set that in toLocation)   
  • If you want to export any specific file run below command
  • exportMetadata(application='OIMAppMetadata',server='oim_server1',toLocation='/tmp/export',docs='/db/oim-config.xml',applicationVersion='*')

* Check the successfully transferred messages at the end.

*  Check the export in to location.

3) MDS Export  from

Go to /app/oracle/middleware/Oracle_IDM1/server/bin location and edit

* Enter below Parameter

  • application_name=OIMMetadata
  • metadata_to_loc=/tmp/mds2 
  • metadata_files=/**  

  • * From the same location set the OIM_ORACLE_HOME ,run command and enter below parameters manually.

         export OIM_ORACLE_HOME=/app/oracle/middleware/Oracle_IDM1
    •  connect()
    •  Weblogic 
    •  Weblogic user password
    • t3://localhost:7001 (Server URL with admin port)

    * Check the export in to location.

    Arihant Baid

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